This post is written as the second part of the 'Samsung Mobiler's contest' held by Indiblogger for the month of August, the first part being posted here.
He opened up the gift one last time and hoped with all his heart that she would like it..he wanted to give her the world and this was his simple way of showing her how much he loved her.
He smiled at the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 750' in his hands, once again..and each of its unique features swept him back to memory-land.
1) Better speed---With both, HSPA and WIFI one can be connected 24/7 wherever you that you can enjoy unlimited downloads, stable connections and speedy browsing.
He smiled to himself as he remembered his courtship she would crib and complain about her dial-up connections.E-mail and messenger had been the only economical solution for the couple considering the different time zones, they were in.
He remembered how it would take her ages to download his pics and how she would sulk about him being so far away from her..Their relationship had faced a major turning point when he had to leave for the US for better job prospects.
To add to it, a bad network and a slow internet connection made them feel much further away from each other especially at the end of a weary day, when both yearned for each others company.
and then there were those summer camps she had to attend simply meant that they would have to stay without speaking to each other for long periods until she returned.
While most long distance relationships fizzled out with time, theirs had stood strong in the test of time and distance.
"But how easy it would have been to traverse those long periods of absence, if only.." his voice trailed off as he looked at the TAB in his hand and smiled,
"Technology..." he sighed.
2) Better Office---You can get your work done from wherever you are. using pre-loaded Polaris office.
He recalled their trip to Singapore for their honeymoon, when she had received an urgent call from work. She was expected to prepare a power point presentation in as short a notice as three days and this has set her in complete 'panic' mode. How he had cursed her project manager back then.
Not carrying a laptop along on a holiday (to avoid extra baggage) was a decision he had suggested.
They had to go PC hunting...and even them she could not finish her project on time for the presentation. He had wanted to fling her cell phone while the career oriented woman he loved had stayed up late trying to meet project deadlines.
With clipboard, she would now be able to save as many as 20 text and images and experience the same advanced cup-paste function like on a personal computer back home and complete her office work with much better speed and efficacy.
At least she would never have to panic on holidays again.
3) Better Multimedia---
She had wanted to watch her favorite movie. But almost all the movie halls were packed because apparently everyone in town wanted to watch it on the same day, too.
He sighed as he remembered the day--12th august, their anniversary. He had wanted to make it special---her favorite movie and then dinner at her favorite Italian restaurant.
The 'House full' sign outside almost all the multiplexes within traveling distance meant a dejected look on her face, though she had tried hard not to show it.
"Why don't we rent out the DVD and watch it on my PC instead?" she had suggested with fake enthusiasm, just to make him feel better, though both of them knew that doing that would kill half the fun out of it.
but now, he thought, with the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1', no movie plan could ever go waste.
They would be able to experience the magic of cinema with full high-definition playback---the dual speakers surrounding the screen which create a surround sound effect make movie watching a pleasurable experience.
He smiled at the tablet in his hand, thinking how excited she would be to see it.
4) Better Imaging
He flipped over the tablet to notice the front and rear view cameras built in.
"The front camera offers great clarity and the rear camera would allow you to capture the best photos and HD videos" he recalled the 'Samsung' guy explaining.
Finally, they would be able to video chat with their parents back home, without them sulking about the clarity of the webcam.
His mom could could now watch baby Ahaana growing up too...with clear pictures and live chat clarity.She would not have to wait until her next visit to meet her darling grand daughter.
5) Better reading and better music
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has unique features like 'Readers Hub' and 'Music Hub'..While the latter offers unlimited reading experience and access to millions of books, newspapers and magazines with added features like virtual bookmarks, zoom in/out and font enlargement to make the e-reading a wonderful experience, the latter enables you to access an extensive catalogue of popular and classical songs along with artist information, critic 'music' reviews, album art and more.
He had known right then and there, that there could be no other gift more perfect for his sweetheart.
The tranquil expression on her face whenever she listened to music was his most favorite expression in the world.
He remembered how he and his college friends used to pull her leg, calling her a 'bookworm'---some habits die hard. She had been bitten by the 'reading' bug ever since she was a kid and this one was there to stay.
Even after six long years of marriage, she always found time to read books.He would sometimes feel all jealous that he had to share her with them.
He laughed at himself for feeling so insecure---now he would have to deal with a much bigger insecurity, he grinned feeling all pleased--a humongous library at her disposal, with over a million books in a compact 10.1 tablet.
"Anything for her smile!!!" he said to himself, as he hastily straightened out the wrapping paper he planned to repack the gift in.
He knew he had selected the perfect gift for his better half---besides all these features which she would enjoy, the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1' (also known as the 'Sansung Galaxy Tab 750') came with a amazingly thin and light body (565 gms and 8.6mm thin), a high definition 10.1 inch screen with 1280/800 WXGA display boasting excellent screen sharpness and a pixel density of 149 ppi, with better multitasking apps and quicker and more efficient web browsing, working on the latest android TM technology---all at the price of Rs 36,200..'It is indeed a good investment,' he thought to himself.
She would be there any moment.
He looked around at the mess he had created in the kitchen--in the futile attempt of cooking up a perfect dinner, her birthday surprise.
The thought of her freaking out at the sight of half burnt dinner made him slightly nervous.
Four years of courtship followed by six years of married life were enough for him to realise what a perfectionist she was.
Just then the door bell rang, interrupting his chain of thoughts.
"Happy Birrrttthdayyyyy, sweetheart" he almost jumped at her in the hope that she wouldn't notice the small trail of smoke coming from the kitchen.
She looked at him. He was standing in front of her with the enthusiasm of a 5 year old, putting forth the messily packed gift, he had got for her.
She smiled and proceeded to open the gift as he hurriedly and excitedly rattled out all the features the tablet had, and narrated all their memories associated with each one of them.
She listened intently. His enthusiasm was infectious--she couldn't help but smile at this man she had married six years back, this man who was still madly in love with her---the bad cook, the terrible gift wrapper, the mess magnet...and yet, the best husband in the whole world.
She loved the gift he had brought her---not just for the features he had explained, but more because it was a reminder of all those memories he had created with her, a reminder which proved that her otherwise-forgetful husband remembered all the things that really mattered.
So what if it wasn't her birthday today, she hugged him tight and smiled to herself.
"This is the best birthday gift anyone could have ever given me," she shyly whispered while eating the half burnt dinner he had made for her.
And he grinned to himself thinking it was the TAB she was talking about...
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He opened up the gift one last time and hoped with all his heart that she would like it..he wanted to give her the world and this was his simple way of showing her how much he loved her.
He smiled at the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 750' in his hands, once again..and each of its unique features swept him back to memory-land.
1) Better speed---With both, HSPA and WIFI one can be connected 24/7 wherever you that you can enjoy unlimited downloads, stable connections and speedy browsing.
He smiled to himself as he remembered his courtship she would crib and complain about her dial-up connections.E-mail and messenger had been the only economical solution for the couple considering the different time zones, they were in.
He remembered how it would take her ages to download his pics and how she would sulk about him being so far away from her..Their relationship had faced a major turning point when he had to leave for the US for better job prospects.
To add to it, a bad network and a slow internet connection made them feel much further away from each other especially at the end of a weary day, when both yearned for each others company.
and then there were those summer camps she had to attend simply meant that they would have to stay without speaking to each other for long periods until she returned.
While most long distance relationships fizzled out with time, theirs had stood strong in the test of time and distance.
"But how easy it would have been to traverse those long periods of absence, if only.." his voice trailed off as he looked at the TAB in his hand and smiled,
"Technology..." he sighed.
2) Better Office---You can get your work done from wherever you are. using pre-loaded Polaris office.
He recalled their trip to Singapore for their honeymoon, when she had received an urgent call from work. She was expected to prepare a power point presentation in as short a notice as three days and this has set her in complete 'panic' mode. How he had cursed her project manager back then.
Not carrying a laptop along on a holiday (to avoid extra baggage) was a decision he had suggested.
They had to go PC hunting...and even them she could not finish her project on time for the presentation. He had wanted to fling her cell phone while the career oriented woman he loved had stayed up late trying to meet project deadlines.
With clipboard, she would now be able to save as many as 20 text and images and experience the same advanced cup-paste function like on a personal computer back home and complete her office work with much better speed and efficacy.
At least she would never have to panic on holidays again.
3) Better Multimedia---
She had wanted to watch her favorite movie. But almost all the movie halls were packed because apparently everyone in town wanted to watch it on the same day, too.
He sighed as he remembered the day--12th august, their anniversary. He had wanted to make it special---her favorite movie and then dinner at her favorite Italian restaurant.
The 'House full' sign outside almost all the multiplexes within traveling distance meant a dejected look on her face, though she had tried hard not to show it.
"Why don't we rent out the DVD and watch it on my PC instead?" she had suggested with fake enthusiasm, just to make him feel better, though both of them knew that doing that would kill half the fun out of it.
but now, he thought, with the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1', no movie plan could ever go waste.
They would be able to experience the magic of cinema with full high-definition playback---the dual speakers surrounding the screen which create a surround sound effect make movie watching a pleasurable experience.
He smiled at the tablet in his hand, thinking how excited she would be to see it.
4) Better Imaging
He flipped over the tablet to notice the front and rear view cameras built in.
"The front camera offers great clarity and the rear camera would allow you to capture the best photos and HD videos" he recalled the 'Samsung' guy explaining.
Finally, they would be able to video chat with their parents back home, without them sulking about the clarity of the webcam.
His mom could could now watch baby Ahaana growing up too...with clear pictures and live chat clarity.She would not have to wait until her next visit to meet her darling grand daughter.
5) Better reading and better music
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has unique features like 'Readers Hub' and 'Music Hub'..While the latter offers unlimited reading experience and access to millions of books, newspapers and magazines with added features like virtual bookmarks, zoom in/out and font enlargement to make the e-reading a wonderful experience, the latter enables you to access an extensive catalogue of popular and classical songs along with artist information, critic 'music' reviews, album art and more.
He had known right then and there, that there could be no other gift more perfect for his sweetheart.
The tranquil expression on her face whenever she listened to music was his most favorite expression in the world.
He remembered how he and his college friends used to pull her leg, calling her a 'bookworm'---some habits die hard. She had been bitten by the 'reading' bug ever since she was a kid and this one was there to stay.
Even after six long years of marriage, she always found time to read books.He would sometimes feel all jealous that he had to share her with them.
He laughed at himself for feeling so insecure---now he would have to deal with a much bigger insecurity, he grinned feeling all pleased--a humongous library at her disposal, with over a million books in a compact 10.1 tablet.
"Anything for her smile!!!" he said to himself, as he hastily straightened out the wrapping paper he planned to repack the gift in.

She would be there any moment.
He looked around at the mess he had created in the kitchen--in the futile attempt of cooking up a perfect dinner, her birthday surprise.
The thought of her freaking out at the sight of half burnt dinner made him slightly nervous.
Four years of courtship followed by six years of married life were enough for him to realise what a perfectionist she was.
Just then the door bell rang, interrupting his chain of thoughts.
"Happy Birrrttthdayyyyy, sweetheart" he almost jumped at her in the hope that she wouldn't notice the small trail of smoke coming from the kitchen.
She looked at him. He was standing in front of her with the enthusiasm of a 5 year old, putting forth the messily packed gift, he had got for her.
She smiled and proceeded to open the gift as he hurriedly and excitedly rattled out all the features the tablet had, and narrated all their memories associated with each one of them.
She listened intently. His enthusiasm was infectious--she couldn't help but smile at this man she had married six years back, this man who was still madly in love with her---the bad cook, the terrible gift wrapper, the mess magnet...and yet, the best husband in the whole world.
She loved the gift he had brought her---not just for the features he had explained, but more because it was a reminder of all those memories he had created with her, a reminder which proved that her otherwise-forgetful husband remembered all the things that really mattered.
So what if it wasn't her birthday today, she hugged him tight and smiled to herself.
"This is the best birthday gift anyone could have ever given me," she shyly whispered while eating the half burnt dinner he had made for her.
And he grinned to himself thinking it was the TAB she was talking about...
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Love the story :)
i loved the story and the way you incorporated the tabloid features in it.
So well written, incredible.
i loved the style of writing.
amazing work!
I just love this story pri.. Beautiful.. All the best for the contest.. Here is My Life
Someone is Special
what an excellent work. All the best for you to get your tab
@ phoenix
thanks :)
@ harpreet kaur
i guess i could choose 'advertising' as a part time profession now ;D
@ rukhsana
thanks and welcome aboard! :)
@ rahul
danke!!! :)
and its a pleasant surprise to see u around here--i thought u'd stopped reading me.
@ someone is special
thanks and wish you the same :)
will visit your blog soon
@ lenzfire glad you liked it.
btw, welcome to my 'nostalgic moments'!!! :)
Its better to buy after all :) , nice one ..the black n white effect
cool one- good luck for contest. liked reading ur write up.
Interesting post indeed
Beautiful story ! Being on the other side of the table I hope to have a tech savvy gf enough to appreciate the beauty of Samsung Tab gadget. :)
@ poorvi does seem awesome doesn't it? :)
btw, welcome to my 'nostalgic moments'
@ sush
thanks glad you liked it :)
@ sandeep
danke! :D
@ a1gaurav
or conversely you should hope that you get a tech unsavvy who would leave your samsung galaxy tab sure most guys being gadjet freaks, once when get the tab, would turn pretty possesive about it and want to keep it all to themselves ;)
welcome to my blog!!!
Nicely framed stories to connect the new Tab ! :)
Here is my post :
Glad you like it :)
Nice one Pri!
@ shubham neo
thanks :)
welcome aboard!
@ milesh
thankyou :)
Nicely written... :)
@ angad
thanks angad...and welcome to my 'nostalgic moments' :)
Fantastic. A clear winner
@ deepak
@ edrenalin
danke!!! im flattered you think that way...
the TAB looks really going to go for it.
lovely post!
How cute!! every para made me go awww!! super!!
@ anonymous
happy tabbing! :)
@ upasna
thanks dear..glad you liked it :)
good one Pri!So you recommend I gift one too :)
Galaxy tab is really awesome, just like your review. Well-written bud!
Good luck for the contest by the way! :)
You can read and promote my post here: 10 Rock-Solid Reasons why you should GET TABBING now!
nice write you own one? i was never a big fan of Samsung gadgets..but now its changing!
brilliant post! i hope u win~
If I were to put myself in the shoes of your 'hopelessly in love' hubby, I would be doing it to get the TAB for myself...smooth operator :-)
Anything karega for a brand new tablet...he he he
Nice post and writeup.
You can check out my views on Galaxy Tab too and appreciate if you could comment on my blog and or promote on indivine. .
Promoted your post too, All the best for contest.
@ nitin jain
ohh sure i would suggest that, if you are as romantic! :D
@ jijo sunny
thanks buddy...good luck to you too :)
@ dazzle diva
well i dont have one yet, but my sis does..and much to her exasperation, i believe in borrowing without asking! :D
@ confusedyuppie
thanks :)
@ aniruddha
sigh!!! now that is a form of love too---the highest form actually, SELF LOVE ;D
@ raj
thanks...wish you luck too :)
Nice! :) Thanks for coming by the blog. Love to have you around more often. :)
I just Luv it - ur Novel way of specifying the features of Samsung Galaxy Tab.All the Best and Good Luck 2!.
Impressive story telling way..u could have spiced it up even more...u could have given way to more wilder imagination to connect him and her..u know what i mean ;)
Do give your feed back on my article as well
great story
all the best
i must say. u have a solid chance at winning
promoting on indi
@ namrata
thankyou :)
@ imperfect
thanks for visiting me too...
seeya around :)
@ mykitchenflavors
thankyou :)
@ buvan
well, i dont really know what you mean...
but had i to mix in any more romance between him and her, it would have distracted the readers off the!
@ sujatha
thanks dear :)
A good cinematic story and nice write up mate. All the best.
Well written :)
Wow...this is really something! I also wrote a story with an almost name for the same competition :) Quite a coincidence...anyway its great to have stumbled upon your blog!
@ jose tinto
thanks jose..and welcome to my space :)
@ pallavi
thanks :)
@ siddharth
no hard feelings..but i find it very difficult to believe this is just a coincidence..
also considering that your post has so many similarities including the title fo the post itsself, and the fact that it was posted on sept 1 2011 (mine was posted on august 16 2011), im forced to believe this to be violation of copyrights.
i guess thats all i have to say, for might hear from my lawyer!!
Story!! I like it. Definitely makes the read much more interesting. Here's a similar attempt! :) A Knight's Tale - Sir Samsung Galaxy Tab 750
What a lovely feeling U have given me. Love is infectious & mesmerizing. Love it ...
@ shreyas pai
thanks for appreciating
@ rituparna
so is the samsung tab 750 ;)
im glad you liked it...
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